Reflecting Learning Journal

Studying in Bellerbys, particularly on A-Level Programme, brought me new feelings of studying. There I felt how new knowledge is coming inside of me everyday. As a consequence, you need to revise it daily not to forget it. Foundation Programme is slightly different, because you do not feel the same. Maybe because it is less intensive. But I felt that it is slightly easier. However, Ukrainian Educational System personally is much more difficult. Studying in my Donetsk College, I had lessons at around 20 different subjects every week. Most of which was taught once a week. Also, not only tests during the year students have, but every student has exams on all of the subjects at the end of the academic year. Changing my education to English made my understanding subjects much clear (because I can focus more on that subjects that I am studying) and after finishing Bellerbys I can say that I gained useful knowledge. Now, I really want to show my opinion on different modules that I am studying. In order not to complicate you, I have grouped all my 10 foundation modules.

Economics Modules

As Far as Economic Concerns, It is a rather intensive subject. On my A-Level Programme I knew quite a few new materials every day. Actually there are 2 modules of it: Macro- and Microeconomics. As for me I like both of these modules and passed on 90% and 85% respectively. =)

English Skills

As Far as I have understood FES (Foundation English Skills), actually there 3 of them in each of the foundation terms, it prepares you more not for IELTS, that almost every international student has, but more for University Studying seemed to be easier. By this I mean, writing final essay that is 25% of the final 3rd FES Module that almost every week students need to write in University. By the way, I have finished my essay today. As for IELTS, I think I paid more attention studying by myself. , rather than with a help of a teacher. But, my teacher was very helpful and generous and helped my privately to pass IELTS. Actually, IELTS seemed to me extremely difficult, because you cannot learn as academic subjects, it is more about practising.

Business Modules

Turning to Business Studies, personally, it is not as intensive as Economics and there is a significant part of the last there. Learning economics you can also gain some Business Knowledge. Besides, the knowledge gained in Business is not as deep as in Economics and a little bit slow. By this I mean, Business you come up with some Economics, that you have studied a lot time ago (may be in the beginning of the term, when now you are almost finished a course)


Mathematics seemed to me extremely easy on Foundation Course, personally, because Math in Ukraine is much informative. Here I am referring to the fact, that I have studied Foundation Material on the 5-6 form (12-13 years old) in my Secondary School. Alternatively, I prepared 1 year for Bellerbys, taking Tutor Lessons in Ukraine. Also, I have studied Math on A-Level, that is more difficult that Foundation. However, I "contrived" to pass it on 56% finally :D))
I think it was mainly, because I did not pay attention for time. Finally, I retook it with out any preparation and revising in next term got 94%. It is my highest mark! =))


Talking about CIT, I found it extremely usefool, expecially MS Excel. I thought it knew it particularly well, but I gain so much new skills, that I could not imagine =)) Also, it is only one subject that is interesting and relaxing. You should not lear something by heart or learn by rote. You just what is said on instructions =)) Now I am finishing my last work sheet on CIT, it is making Blog. After finishing it can am free ;)) 


To conclude, I should say, that I read some material from the internet not only how to make blogs, but Reflecting Learning Journal and I found the useful. I hope it will be successful. Spending last days in Bellerbys, you fell different because you know that you almost finished your CIT Module and other 8 Modules. Just one exam and Foundation Is Over! So, you feel that you can never come back not only to Bellerbys College. But even to Brighton!

Think You For Reading My Quite a Long Learning Journal!!!
 And Sorry For You Spent Time for It ;))